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Image by Ä°rfan Simsar

Agile Transformation

Our agile practice of experienced professionals is helping our clients to scale and mature their agile practice to realise measurable delivery outcomes.

Setting ourselves apart from competitors, we take a framework-agnostic approach that sets the stage for unparalleled agility. Our seasoned consultants bring deep-rooted expertise gained through hands-on experience with agile transformations in large and complex organizations. This valuable real-world knowledge forms the foundation of our unique Agile Transformation offering.

Agile Health Check

We assess key delivery functions to arrive at an overall agile capability score, setting the scene for the improvement plan. 

Identifying the most impactful improvements.

DevOps & SDET Coaching

We help our clients to collaboratively define and adopt the right CI/CD pipelines and branching strategy. Additionally, we define and implement context-aligned DevOps processes by coaching technical staff to become more effective DevOps and SDET Engineers.  

Agile for Business

Realise the effectiveness of agile by helping our client to apply agile to business projects. We design and deliver a framework that allows agile practices to be applied to non-technology work. Delivered by focusing on non-technology teams.

Agile Tools

Measurement is key to continued control and improvement. We this mindset, we provide tools that can be tweaked to support client-specific context and help measure the performance of implemented improvements leading to targeted tweaks.

Agile Training & Education

We believe less in innate talent and focus on leveraging the individual's innate learning ability. This is why our agile training is supported with real situational scenarios that can be built around current projects, ensuring that learning outcomes can be immediately applied to everyday situations. 

Agile coaching & mentoring leadership

For organisations confident in implementing their own agile approach, we imbed one of our experienced coaches to work across your teams, acting as a scrum master, iteration Manager and Advisor.

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Case study

Scaled agile practices for digital transformation 

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